
Matthew Manni

Mr. Manni is thrilled to be Chesterton Academy of Saint Michael’s inaugural Headmaster. He grew up in a large and loving, Italian-Catholic household on Whidbey Island. From a young age the beauty of Catholicism has deeply infused his life. As a freshman in high school, Mr. Manni felt the Holy Spirit urge him to ask his Archbishop to receive the sacrament of Confirmation a year early - a grace granted. He fondly recalls frequent trips to visit the Franciscan and Benedictine sisters on Shaw Island, a familial relationship that continues to this day. At Franciscan University of Steubenville, the study of philosophy captivated his heart and mind. The pinnacle of this pursuit was constructing his senior thesis on Virtue Ethics. It was here at Franciscan University that his future wife, Lauren, had a life-changing encounter with Christ during Holy week, leading to her conversion to Catholicism the following Easter!

From the inception of Mr. Manni’s career, the Lord provided diverse opportunities to grow in leadership, and many mentors to light the way. Through the disciplines of science and mathematics, he sought to instill wonder and awe of God’s creation in his middle and high school students. The detail of Divine designs continue to astound him! Mr. Manni shared this passion through International Baccalaureate Chemistry, Biology and Physical Science coursework. He enjoyed leading the STEM department, revamping curriculum scope and sequences, formally evaluating his staff and all the variable intricacies required for daily operations of a school. Servant leadership is at the heart of Mr. Manni’s work. He believes strongly in developing the strengths of his team, and creating a culture of relational trust, valuing each beyond their expertise.

In marriage to Lauren and as father to 3 beautiful daughters, Gianna Lucía (6), Isabella Rosalinda (4), and Sofía Faustina (2), he has found radiant joy in his vocation. As G.K. Chesterton insightfully wrote: “The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.” Mr. Manni’s home library is filled with the types of books and art pieces Chesterton students will venture to study, including a shelf or two bursting with Tolkien! His hobbies include baking Italian breads and French treats, playing chess, basketball, and board games. Most of all, he enjoys family time adventuring outside, or inside a good book.

Mr. Manni’s favorite quote from his favorite saint: “Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch…I plead with you--never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid.” -Saint John Paul II, World Youth Day 1993.

Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Franciscan University

Master in Teaching, Heritage University

K-12 Principal Certification, Gonzaga University